Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Star Trek RPGs - Other Voices

Ah, the joy that is The Google. I don't hit those "Similar Pages" links enough, but when I do it often seems to lead somewhere interesting I wouldn't have found on my own.

I'm certainly not the first or only person to ponder on the topics of "What is the history of Star Trek in tabletop roleplaying?" and, more to the point, "Does Star Trek really lend itself to RPGs?" Here are some other wise souls discussing the same questions:

From September 2006, Adam and Nate of the Roll 2d6 podcast discuss the early years of Trek RPGs, Trek vs the Star Fleet Universe and more. Hmm, they seem to be from the Bay Area. Why don't I know these guys?

From November 2007, Andy at The Lost Level contemplates Roleplaying in the final frontier: random thoughts on Star Trek and RPGs in this blog entry (after listening to the podcast above), and wonders why he never games in the Trek universe.

Good stuff. And now I have a podcast to listen to on the train this morning!


  1. You're in the Bay Area? Come to KublaCon 2009 in Burlingame and I'm sure you'll be able to meet us.

    --Adam at Roll 2d6

  2. I'll definitely be there (I'm in SF), missed last year but not again!

    Great podcast, btw. I really did listen to it this morning on the MUNI, and made a note to go check out some of the older shows you guys mentioned.
