Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hiding a Tree in a Forest

I'm too cool for April Fools', Groknard.The only thing worse than an April Fools' joke is the one that no one catches. Hmmph. From yesterday's entry on homebrewed Trek games:

Perhaps the most recent and disturbing homebrew is based on WOTC's D&D4E. Although I can see the appeal of a cross-genre "phasers vs. magic" style adventure, the conversion only provides stats for four characters: Kirk (Leader), Spock (Controller), McCoy (Defender) and Sulu (Striker). Furthermore, the powers are all combat oriented (i.e., the At-Will "Vulcan Nerve Pinch"), making Dungeons & Dragons: Final Frontier not very Trekish at all, and a rather foolish endeavor.

Well, that's the last time I try to have fun with you guys. In fact, I'm tempted to write it just to spite you all.


  1. Just 'cause no one called you out doesn't mean it wasn't got. :-)

  2. We knew no real Star Trek game would feature such an abomination. Well Voyager maybe but...


    Barking Alien

  3. Ah, crap. No wonder my FLGS thought I was an idiot when I tried to pre-order it. :-)

  4. Well, I got a good laugh out of it. :-)

    The best thing about it is, I could actually see people playing it.
