Friday, April 3, 2009

The Shape of Things to Come

I've previously mentioned Patrick Goodman's invaluable CODA Support Site which, along with the TrekRPGNet Forums, has kept Decipher's Star Trek Roleplaying Game the most current and relevant of the Trek RPGs. Patrick and contributors to his CODA site have been pumping out a lot of great new material over the past few months and last night, he gave us another preview of a project he's been working on: Starships of the Star Fleet Technical Manual.

Last month he gave us a look at the cover (JPG) and a single page for the Constitution Class (PDF). Last night, as a gift to the community for his birthday, he previewed the starship (PDF) that IMHO best defines my nostalgia for Franz Joseph's wonderful book.

I won't say anymore so as not to spoil the surprise. Just note that there are two pages, and Patrick is working hard to finish the project by May 8th (to coincide with the release of the film). Thanks, Patrick, and Happy Birthday!


  1. Interesting and very cool! Very happy to see not only interest but active development of Star Trek gaming material. Makes me a little embarrased at how slow my own updates have been (though I plan to remedy that as soon as possible).

    I'm not as big a fan of Decipher's rules system as I am LUG's or FASA's but its very easy to convert so I say bring it on!

    Barking Alien

  2. I'm pleased you like it, Alan, and hope you'll enjoy the whole book when the blasted thing is finished.
