Tuesday, June 30, 2009

OT: I have entered BIZARRO WORLD

Bizarro World"It am an international crisis! Quick, Bizarro President! Go to sleep!"

In BIZARRO WORLD, California native Robert "Groknard" Saint John stays home during the weekend of July 23-26. His wife, Barbe, goes to the completely sold-out San Diego Comic-Con. It must be BIZARRO WORLD (or the Mirror Universe), because in our universe, Barbe hates comics, science fiction, movies, Star Trek, San Diego, gaming and crowds.

The Mighty BooshBut she does love, LOVE, The Mighty Boosh. And apparently BBC Worldwide are bringing creator / stars Julian Barratt (Howard Moon) and Noel Fielding (Vince Noir) along with co-stars Michael Fielding (Naboo), Rich Fulcher (Bob Fossil) and Dave Brown (Bollo) to Comic-Con. She must be there. So, against all odds, we managed to score her a ticket this evening on eBay through SDCC's official last minute auction.

Oh sure, Russell T. Davies, David Tennant, Julie Gardner and Euros Lyn from Doctor Who are going to be there. John Barrowman and Eve Myles from Torchwood? There. Star Trek's J. J. Abrams, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman? Yep, but they're there for Fringe. Apparently Star Trek won't have an offcial presence at SDCC this year. Maybe.

But this is BIZARRO WORLD, and as such, I don't care. Really. Of course, now Barbe has to find a hotel room for under $1000 in San Diego County. HAH!

Come with me now on a journey through time and space...... To the world of The Mighty Boosh....

And from my absolute favorite episode, Nanageddon, with my favorite characters, Saboo and Tony Harrison of the Board of Shaman...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Trek RPG Auction of the Week - 6/29/09

FASA Star Trek Technical Combat Simulator booksThis week's auction is a nice collection of FASA books specifically related to the Star Trek Technical Combat Simulator. No counters, dice or maps, but would make a handy set of reference tools if you plan on playing STCS online with Rob Carignan's excellent VASSAL STCS module or the amazing ST:STCS Computer Version.

Included in the auction are:

- Star Trek Starship Tactical Combat Simulator (FASA 2003) - Rule book and Master Control Book
- Klingons Ship Recognition Manual, Second Edition (FASA 2301)
- Federation Ship Recognition Manual, Second Edition (FASA 2302)
- Romulan Ship Recognition Manual (FASA 2303)
- Star Trek III: Sourcebook Update (FASA 2214)
- The White Flame Starship Combat Scenario Pack (FASA 2225)
- Star Trek: The Next Generation First Year Sourcebook (FASA 2227)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Looking Back 10 Years Ago

The Core Rulebooks of Lost Unicorn Games' Star Trek Roleplaying GamesJust a quick entry here, because the meat is elsewhere. I ran across an entry from the SF Gaming column of RPGnet, a June 1999 interview that James Maliszewski (of Rogue Games and Grognardia fame) did with Ross A. Isaacs, author, designer and line editor of so much of the Last Unicorn Games and Decipher Star Trek role-playing games. I think Ross is at Eden Studios these days. I think. Actually, I'm not sure what's going on with Eden these days.

From the interview:

"Star Trek, as an RPG, must create new material to remain viable. The great thing is that Paramount understands this, and actually looks forward to seeing what we come up with."


"In the coming months, you'll learn about the Federation's Merchant Marines, Starfleet's organization, Starfleet Intelligence, Vulcan's dark past, where Mount Seleya is located, Risan history, Tellarite cities, and all about Romulan culture and space. Next year, we're going to tackle the Tholians, the Klingons and Cardassians. Will you see "original" material? Heck ya!"

*double sigh*

Anyway, check out the full Isaacs interview, a great blast from the past. And when you're done with that, check out James' inteview with author/developer Kenneth Hite from the same period.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Miniature Crew of Your Own

Matakishi 28mm Starship CrewIt was about 2 1/2 years ago that I "re-discovered" The Hobby. Actually, I hadn't forgotten it, but I'd stopped following it on the Internets back in '99 because I felt they were sucking the fun out of it. Anyway, the reason I "came home" was due in big part to Star Trek and its long legacy of gaming, much of which I'd missed during my exile.

One of the first things I started looking for was the miniatures I'd had and those I missed. I've been lucky enough to have saved (or recovered) and expanded my collection quite a bit with the Heritage, Citadel, FASA, LUG and Ultimo Avamposto officially-licensed releases. Of course, those aren't the only options.

But wait! There's more.....

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Star Trek: Big in Japan!

Star Trek Movie Collectibles from Japan - chirashi, program, keychain, command badge, press kitIf you haven't noticed, I have a passion for many things Japanese, including Japanese things related to Star Trek (or, as the original series was called over there, 宇宙大作戦 (Space Operation)). Probably a result of the years I spent immersed in kaiju eiga and tokusatsu fandom... that's a fancy way of saying Godzilla, Gamera and Ultraman, heh.

Thanks to Eric, my wonderful online friend and Trek RPG buddy in Tokyo, I got a fantastic care package last week. I'd already managed to get ahold of a few chirashi (mini-posters) for the film, but Eric really completed my collection with the official movie program, a keychain with a very small new Enterprise, a command badge and a press/PR document (all pictured left, click any of these to embiggenize).

New Movie Star Trek Enterprise Japanese Keychain 1/7000 miniature with Studio Bergstrom Klingon D7 battlecruiser New Movie Star Trek Enterprise Japanese Keychain 1/7000 miniature with Studio Bergstrom Klingon D7 battlecruiser New Movie Star Trek Enterprise Japanese Keychain 1/7000 miniature with Studio Bergstrom Klingon D7 battlecruiser
New Movie Star Trek Enterprise Japanese Keychain 1/7000 miniature with Studio Bergstrom Klingon D7 battlecruiser
And here are some shots of the additional merchandise (click to enlarge):

JJ Abrams Star Trek movie program
JJ Abrams new Star Trek Movie Command Badge and Keychain from Japan
New Star Trek Movie Froovie Merchandise - Program, key chain, badge pin, press kit

But wait! There's more.....

Trek RPG Auction of the Week - 6/25/09

LUG's 1999 The Way of D'Era: The Romulan Star EmpireI'm a little confused about what makes up this week's auction, so you may want to message the seller in advance for clarification. It's listed as DS9 RPG, the Next Gen RPG, The narrators guide, and the box set of The romulan Expansion, "the Path of D'ehra".

Based on the photos, I'm pretty sure it's Last Unicorn's 1999 releases of Star Trek Deep Space Nine Roleplaying Game, the DS9 Narrator's Toolkit by Christian Moore and The Way of D'Era: The Romulan Star Empire boxset by Ross Isaacs (I don't see the box in the pics, though). Also included seems to be Decipher's CODA system release of Star Trek Roleplaying Game Narrator's Guide from 2002.

The D'Era release alone is difficult and expensive to get, so if you can snatch this for $10 plus shipping, that's a great deal. But it's not a fraction as good as the material in the underrated DS9 books, so consider getting it for those!
EDIT 6/25/09: Also, check out this seller's $2 Buy It Now Star Trek FASA Modules!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Farewell Startrek-games.com and Post Rescue

As you may have seen or read elsewhere, IGN has decided to shut down a number of sites it hosted, including Chessmess' wonderful, long-lived Star Trek Games site. Although the focus over the past decade had primarily been Trek-themed PC and videogames, Chess was just beginning to expand into other areas such as tabletop gaming and online sims. I had made a few contributions recently and was planning on making it a regular gig to cover non-RPG tabletop games I don't cover here.

With STG gone, I'll probably occasionally include coverage of these games -- such as the Star Fleet Universe, rare Tsukuda Japanese Trek wargames and the old Star Fleet Battle Manual -- here at Groknard as as well. I do want to thank Chess for the opportunity to contribute to STG and for all the work he's done in Trek gaming over the years, and wish him the best.

There was one post I did in March that I liked a lot, so I'm going to republish it here for the sake of posterity.

Updates from the Star Fleet Universe
Originally posted on Star Trek Games, March 16, 2009

Are you familiar with the Star Fleet Universe games from Amarillo Design Bureau? You should be!

Since this column on tabletop Trek games is still relatively new, I thought I should introduce the Star Fleet Universe (SFU) before getting to news about its latest products. You have probably heard about their signature game, Star Fleet Battles (SFB), if for no other reason than it having been the basis of Interplay’s 1999 videogame, Starfleet Command and its sequels Starfleet Command II: Empires at War and Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates.

But wait! There's more.....

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I'm Not Dead Yet

Apologies for the extreme slow-down in posts. I've taken on some extra work in real life and we just brought in a new chihuahua puppy to foster. Last week was a sleepless mess, but everything's slowly getting back into some kind of rhythm. Should be back to normal posting by the end of the week.

In the meantime, I have been working on some Trek stuff, specifically the schematics that I mentioned last month and some work for Patrick's Starships of the Star Fleet Technical Manual project. Here's a tiny glimpse (left, click for another view) of how that deckplan of the new Enterprise is coming (yes, I totally re-started it from scratch). Should be done by end of the month. Takes a loonnnggg time to draw all those pipes in engineering.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The "Key" to New Starship Miniatures!

New 1701 Enterprise Keychain and Classic Enterprise Micro MachineFans of Star Trek and starship miniature gaming, rejoice!

As I hinted in my blog earlier this week, a new alternative for starship miniatures has come onto the market in an unlikely fashion: the new line of Star Trek Keychains from Basic Fun, Inc. The company has released a set of 5 new keychains, 4 from older Star Trek series and 1 from the new film. Based on the pictures, I decided to take a chance to see if these would be suitable for Trek miniature gaming, and similar to the Star Trek Micro Machines I already have in terms of quality and scale. The answer is: close enough!

The new line of keychains are made of the same soft plastic (PVC?) that most of Galoob's Micro Machines were made of. They are each about 3 inches (8cm) long, and consist of the following ships:

Packaging for the new Star Trek keychains from Basic Fun- TOS USS Enterprise NCC-1701
- TOS Klingon D-7 Battle Cruiser
- TNG USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D

These are in identical "Original Trek" packaging (see right) with images of each on the back, including a TOS Communicator keychain, not covered in this post. Regardless of contents, the packages are all labeled with the same SKU and "Item# 1354".

The fourth starship is the new Enterprise from this year's film. It is in its own unique packaging, listed as Item# 1355, and makes no reference on the back to any of the other keychains.

But wait! There's more.....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Still More Trek Gaming Tidbits!

Gary Mitchell's Rim AlienJust a few quick, fun finds of note tonight before dinner:

When it comes to miniatures, a good Klingon is hard to find. Or is it? Check out the new "Rim Alien" (left), and if you're interested in this and more, head over to Gary Mitchell's Shop. They're not the Big K's, of course, but they look close enough for gaming purposes. They'll be coming soon.

If you're like me, you dig schematics and deckplans. Need a good ship? Perhaps a station to visit? How about a nicely detailed Ground Base to infiltrate? Well, thanks to IceGiant in a thread over at TrekRPGNet, a site thought to be lost had turned back up: Publius' (John D. Lees?) Trek Role-Playing site, which includes maps of the Damaris Sector, some CODA house rules, and deckplans for the Nova-class, the USS Rhode Island variant, the Java-class, the Regula Station and more! Grab 'em while you can before a black hole opens up.

Owen Oulton has pointed out Samuel Kowal's lovely deckplans for the USS Raven on his deviantARt page. Samuel also has some cool original schematics (1701-F, G, H and I?) in his gallery. And Owen's added some new material to his Rising Sun campaign.

Designer John Eaves. Poor guy. His blog is about to get bombarded with Teh Angerz as he opens up the can of worms known as "How Big is the New Enterprise?"

I should have a picture this week of something that may be a perfect mini of the nuEnterprise! Though you can always bid against me on this (eBay). Hopefully this other option works. It'll be much more affordable!

Speaking of eBay, I'm too lazy, erm, busy to do Auction of the Week... so here's a bunch! Something for everyone!

Old Soldiers Never Die Romulan WarYah, I can't afford to be shopping either. I did just get (finally!) FASA module "Old Soldiers Never Die" and its very cool "The Romulan War" companion. "w00t!" as the kids say.

Like your Trek gaming Fast Furious and Fun? I'm pretty sure I mentioned Renny's Savage Worlds conversion in the big "homebrew" post months ago (still the most popular post, btw), and Bretbo has another underway. The Savage Worlds Conversion page has a newish entry from Mike Callahan called "Red Alert!" (a Word doc) that's a nice approach to ship-to-ship combat in SW. I have Pinnacle's Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition. I have a deck of cards. I have Star Trek minis out my butt. And there's a Savage Worlds Online for Fantasy Grounds, a virtual tabletop I've been wanting to try for a long time. I should really make time (HA!) to dig into SW further.

Look's like VulcanStev may have another guest post coming on that very subject. In the meantime, as promised, he has posted his own thoughts on Gaming in the Universe of Star Trek.

So, Savage Worlds: any readers play it and can tell me "yay" or "nay"?

Better yet, don't! I have to finish those nuTrek schematics, playtest EZFudge Final Frontier (and you can too!), finish the PD1 article, check out Ad Astra's cool 3D starship combat game, Squadron Strike!, send an e-mail reply to the very gracious Grandfather of Star Trek RPGs, etc., etc..

But first: DINNER!